Cygwin now comes with the popular Exim
mail transport agent. The Exim package comes with a very simple
setup script which can be run from the console:
This is enough to set Exim up and install and run the service. It
will work fine for delivering mail to local users on the system .
Iam still trying to figure you how to get it to do SMTP authorization with
a smarthost. Most people will need this since they have an account
with an ISP whose mail server they authorize with and send outgoing mail
through. Its
a shame that there are no examples nor documentation with the Exim
Cygwin package on how to do this.
Setting up Mutt
Mutt is probably the most
widely-used console-based e-mail application. It is highly
configurable and powerful. Here is a skeletal
that you can use to get started (note: this skeletal .muttrc
will also work fine on Linux systems):
set folder=/var/spool/mail
set spoolfile=/var/spool/mail/$USER
set record=+sent
set editor="vim -c 'set textwidth=72'"
# Sort mailboxes according to date received in reverse order (newest
# at the top
set sort=reverse-date
set arrow_cursor=no
set move=no
set markers=no
set askbcc=yes
set menu_scroll=yes
set pager_stop
bind pager <up> previous-line
bind pager <down> next-line
set resolve=no
mailboxes ! +mutt-users +exim-users
folder-hook mutt-users 'set sort=threads'
folder-hook mutt-users 'set sort_aux=reverse-date-received'
folder-hook exim-users 'set sort=threads'
folder-hook exim-users 'set sort_aux=reverse-date-received'
alias mutt-users Mutt User List <>
lists mutt-users exim-users
color normal default black
color hdrdefault red default
color quoted brightblue default
color signature red default
color indicator white blue
color error brightred default
color status yellow blue
color tree magenta default # the thread tree in the index menu
color tilde magenta default
color message brightcyan default
color markers brightcyan default
color attachment brightmagenta default
color search default green # how to hilite search patterns in the pager
color header brightred default ^(From|Subject):
color body magenta default "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+" # point out URLs
color body magenta default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+ # e-mail addresses
color underline brightgreen default
up procmail
Procmailis a powerful
toolused to filter incoming e-mail. You set up rules
in your ~/.procmailrc
which filter incoming mail accordingly. Here is a basic sample
* ^(Cc|To).*cygwin*
This simple filter will process incoming mail that is To: or Cc: to the
cygwin mailing list into the cygwin folder. All other mail will by
default go to ~/mail/inbox. Note that if you use this setup you
will want to change the following lines in your
set folder=/var/spool/mail
set spoolfile=/var/spool/mail/$USER
to this:
set folder=~/mail
set spoolfile=~/mail/inbox
Setting up fetchmail
Fetchmail is used to poll mail servers and retrieve mail. The
configuration file is
Here is a simple example:
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f %F -d %T"
set no bouncemail
poll ''
protocol pop3
username ''
password 'mypass'
is localuser here
Replace 'localuser' with your local user account and the other logon
credentials accordingly.